Hard Time MVR

Hard Time’s manual should have everything you need to play the game but to help with clarity we are generating this visual resource page. Below find animations for a lot of the elements within the manual. There is still important info within the manual, but this should help clarify some things.

We are working on updating this page and adding more updated videos, If you don’t see what you are looking for send us a message and we will point you in the right direction or happily make the requested animation. Enjoy and happy shanking.

Setting up the game

Before you can play you need to prepare.

On your turn

Overview of what a turn consists of for a player.

Types of cards

Brief overview of Commissary Cards.

Brief overview of Influence Cards

Brief overview of Supplier in Solitary cards.

Brief overview of Crucial cards

Game elements

How to use supplier in solitary

What Thief Favor does

Using a Snitch

Intimidating with your Shank

How to attempt a shanking.

Blocking a shanking with a Slop Tray